Featuring Digital PhotoArt of Rainbow Creek
by: brendasue

The Birds of Rainbow Creek

The Birds of Rainbow Creek
by: brendasue of Kates Cabin Bird Sanctuary in Waller County, Texas

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Birds of Rainbow Creek-Vol 10 by:brendasue

Hi Everybody!  Nature Break!

Come in and have a look at the new baby cardinal! The cardinals live year round here at Kates Cabin Bird Sanctuary. The Mom and Red Dad are good parents and build the nest together and both feed the babies and teach them to fly. Enjoy!


.....this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Birds of Rainbow Creek-Vol 9 by: brendasue

Hi Everybody! Come In! 

We are going down to the creek again today to see the spring migration birds camping out on the lake edge trees. This has just been spectacular to witness these birds. I hope you will begin to see more birds and discover how cool they are!

The photostudy today spotlights the Great Egret.  I have copied you a link below so you can know more about this bird! Enjoy the pics!


This long-legged, S-necked white bird is found throughout the Americas and around much of the world. It is typically the largest white egret occurring anywhere in its range (only the white-colored form of the great blue heron is larger).
Great egrets are found near water, salt or fresh, and feed in wetlands, streams, ponds, tidal flats, and other areas. They snare prey by walking slowly or standing still for long periods, waiting for an animal to come within range of their long necks and blade-like bills. The deathblow is delivered with a quick thrust of the sharp bill, and the prey is swallowed whole. Fish are a dietary staple, but great egrets use similar techniques to eat amphibians, reptiles, mice, and other small animals.
These birds nest in trees, near water and gather in groups called colonies, which may include other heron or egret species. They are monogamous, and both parents incubate their three to four eggs. Young egrets are aggressive towards one another in the nest, and stronger siblings often kill their weaker kin so that not all survive to fledge in two to three weeks.
The great egret is the symbol of the National Audubon Society and represents a conservation success story. The snowy white bird's beautiful plumage made it far too popular in 19th-century North America. Great egrets were decimated by plume hunters who supplied purveyors of the latest ladies' fashions. Their populations plunged by some 95 percent. Today the outlook is much brighter. The birds have enjoyed legal protection over the last century, and their numbers have increased substantially.

I hope you found the above article interesting. We need to see that bird feathers have  NO dollar value in making hats. How stupid was that idea? Who did that, anyone know?
The bottom line: if the birds become extinct so will the Humans
I encourage you to respect and enjoy the birds around you!

Photos by:  brendasue (the number one birdbrain as Dad would say!)

...this is brendasue signing off from rainbow creek!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Birds of Rainbow Creek-Vol 8 by: brendasue


Hi Everyone!  Come on in to Rainbow Creek.  Please leave all worries and troubles at the gate as you do not need them here. You come to this Nature Break for You! In this busy World, take some time for just you---to sit and be still. To consider the Big Picture:  The Planet and the living things on the surface. How does it all work? Who are we and what are we doing here with other humans?  Why are birds here? Why the flowers?  I am old but I do not know. It would be nice to know if anyone knows the answers.........

In the Big Picture, human beings are very, very small as a grain of sand! The Universe is very Big! I can not  think that big!

Staying in the here and now at Rainbow Creek, I have the good fortune to witness so many living things while just walking around. The birds that come are so beautiful and I try to bring you a glimpse of that beauty and peace I have found at the end of the Rainbow!
(I do wish I was a better photographer, but I do work on documenting this place so you see more than one photo--you see a story as it is happening in real time with Me as I see it.)

Today's story continues:  The Birds of Rainbow Creek-The Spring Migration in South Texas-May, 2010.  Enjoy!

.....this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek