Featuring Digital PhotoArt of Rainbow Creek
by: brendasue

The Birds of Rainbow Creek

The Birds of Rainbow Creek
by: brendasue of Kates Cabin Bird Sanctuary in Waller County, Texas

Monday, July 4, 2011

Going Out with a Bang: My last post on Google Blogger by: brendasue

Hello My Friends:

I am coming to you today with a heavy heart to say Goodbye.  This will be my last post on Google Blogger.
I want to thank all of you for reading my silly stuff and enjoying my little Nature Photos.  I also, have enjoyed reading your blogs and viewing your photos.  Those of you that have been following my World Nature Class know how excited I was when my Pastor Cynthia introduced me to my Google tools on the world wide web.
As an old Lady who had lost my parents and a mate and lived alone in the woods, I was all of the sudden connected to the whole world.
I wanted to meet like minded people (Nature Lovers) from every corner of the Earth and learn what their world was like and show them the creatures and plants of Rainbow Creek at Kates Cabin Bird Sanctuary. I see that we bloggers are the 'New' history book writers! I see that my grandchildren will be able to access these pages and know who I was! Like the ancient people that painted pictures on cave walls, I have painted pictures here on Google. This has been one of the greatest adventures of my life.
Though I am ill, it is not illness that takes me away from this book.
My Love of Nature is strong and my work will continue in other formats. It is Humanity forcing me away.  Of the thousands of you I have met and talked to, I can say I love you all.  But there is one Bad Human Being that brings me to the decision to put my hat and spurs on and ride into the deep woods. One Rotten Apple spoils everything.
This is what I have come to WARN you about:  Remember that on the internet, though you may want to meet like minded people, you will be exposed to all people, all with different mind sets. Not everyone can be trusted and not everyone is your friend. All of you are photographers, nature lovers, authors, or people wanting to see the best things happening to the earth and the inhabitants with the exception of one very evil wolf in the sheep's clothing. This person  made nice comments on my photos and blog. I did not know at that time that I was being targeted, I thought he was a photofriend. I enjoyed hearing about his life in India and sharing my life in Texas. I liked hearing about the customs and history of India which I had always imagined was a magical place. He sent the best emails with the greatest photos of wonderful places all over the world. He said he built computers and was a geek. As I was new to computers, I thought this was great that someone could answer some questions on how to do stuff. I found out one day he was not a photographer and it was not even a hobby. He did like flowers or so it seemed. You can never really believe what someone says. After a time he made some romantic comments toward me to which I clearly stated I was an old Grandma with terminal illness and would not be interested romantically in a young man half way around the world-ever. He made a couple more comments and I shut down communication with him. And that is when it began with more and more emails, but I would not respond. Finally I just quit opening them. Then I started discovering what he had been doing in my computers. four of them now. He has broken into my yahoo account and sent out illegal phishing scam letters over my internet connection. Apparently, you can hide instructions on things for the computer to do in an email. As I know nothing about computers, I was an easy target. He is in my google accounts and changing some things at his will. I was receiving many comments from my photofriends and now I do not receive the comments from people I was keeping in touch with through photos. Some of my friends have contacted me and said when they try to comment on my site their computers vibrate. Some have informed me they simply cannot post to my pages anymore. I have found thousands of files I did not create. He came into my computer over google talk so I got rid of that program. The person is very smart and knows exactly what to do to enter any of my computers at will and to do things that appear as if I am doing it. I can no longer chat or email any of my friends as he has targeted them through my popularity. I miss you all, but am afraid of you receiving any emails from me or my sites. And for that reason I have come to warn you to be careful on the net. No one will be receiving any emails from me (the real me). I am taking 4 computers in to the shop to have the hard drives cleaned and redone with new securities, new programs. This is going to cost me alot of money that I do not have on a fixed income.  I will restrict my internet activity to Google Buzz and Piicasa Web Albums where I can still have conversations, but not through email. Those sites have a blocking option against people. You will receive no more blogger notifications from this site. My email addresses will change when the computers are fixed and no longer be public.
I have respectfully asked this person not to contact me. I have publicly demanded that he stop these terrostic activities against me on Google Buzz, all with no regards.
So I am publicly notifying all (including Google Authorities) through this last post on Google Blogger.  I am very sorry if your computers have been invaded (which I do not know to be fact). I do know what is fact on my computers and have all the documentation.  There seems to be no laws against what he is doing, so the only way I can get rid of this jerk is to unplug.

CHECK YOUR CONTACTS:  His name is Vinay N Paleja of India or VNP or his blog is Vee's Musings.  Maybe I am the only one targeted through Picasa Web Albums. Maybe Not.

.....this is brendasue signing off from rainbow creek

O+O    Over and out for the last time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Birds of Rainbow Creek-Vol 11 by: brendasue

Hi Everybody!

Come In---Get out of the Heat!!  Here at Kates Cabin Bird Sanctuary on Rainbow Creek, we topped 100 today and No Rain In Sight. I am busy cutting back all the shrubbery, crape myrtles, trees and heavily mulching the beds. Three more months to go that could be hotter than June.

I am changing all the bird baths daily and setting up a sprinkler shower for the birds. I have plates of water out for the bees and the Dogs are in the air conditioning with me. Please remember to water yourself also!

While you are sitting here on a break, have a look at some of my Cool Birds!  Take Care Everybody, in this heat.


Ruby- Throated Hummingbird



Baby Red Shouldered-Hawk  (Rambo)

Daddy Red Shouldered Hawk  (Tomahawk)

Orchard Oriole

Indigo Bunting

Turkey Vulture (King Buzz)


Red Bellied Sapsucker (He stole alot of Peaches!)

Yellow Crowned Night Heron


Pileated Woodpecker (Woody)

Indigo Bunting

....this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek


Monday, June 6, 2011

The Squirrel and the Sprinkler by: brendasue

Hi Everybody!
Come on in out of the heat!  Record Heat yesterday in June as we saw 105. A reminder to all my birder friends:  Change birdbath water daily and run the sprinkler sometimes for the birds and squirrels. Have a good time looking at this silly squirrel as he lays in the path of the sprinkler and braces for the cold water! When it hits him, he jumps all around! Keep You Cool-

....this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek
